
Too too long

Perhaps it was a lack lustre couple of months, and I am sorry! But now I have some grrrreat reviews for you.

Iron Man
I hate Chuck D, but he said it best when he yelled 'Don't believe the hype' He simply must be refering to Iron Man! The acting was ok, Downey was good, Bridges was bad. The action was ok, Iron man was neat, his enemies weren't. How is it possible that this movie rates higher than There will be Blood?! WTF STOOPIDS.
6 out of 10, fuck you nerds!

88 Minutes

Jon Avnet .... producer
John Baldecchi .... executive producer
Lawrence Bender .... executive producer
Boaz Davidson .... executive producer
Danny Dimbort .... executive producer
Randall Emmett .... producer
Michael P. Flannigan .... producer
George Furla .... producer
Todd Gilbert .... associate producer
Manfred D. Heid .... executive producer
Gerd Koechlin .... executive producer
Josef Lautenschlager .... executive producer
Avi Lerner .... producer
Marsha Oglesby .... co-producer
Trevor Short .... executive producer
Andreas Thiesmeyer .... executive producer
Gary Scott Thompson .... producer
John Thompson .... executive producer
Shawn Williamson .... co-producer

They should have re-named it 88 Producers ZAP!
I'd rather take 88 swifties to the satchel!

Portishead Third

This album is so brilliant and so difficult that it is hard to rate. I like it and dislike it. The Rip is one of the most brilliant songs I've heard in a while, and the overall production value is fantastic. The cuts are hard to listen too, the songs seem not to go anywhere, and Beth Gibbons seems to have lost something in her vocals. There are a lot of new and interesting mixes in this, but overall does not have enough to sustain my interest.
5.4 out of 10, download The Rip though...it's excellent

I just thought I'd post a weird picture 7 out of weird!


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